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Updated: Sep 20, 2023

Welcome to Liminal Leather~

Many people have asked me "what's the meaning behind LiminaL"?

It was really hard having to let go of my previous business name "Alkahest Leather".

For me, that really encapsulated the in's and outs of the whole experience, to create something out of a raw piece of leather into a useful, beautiful piece you could walk around proudly with. Reflecting oneself through art.

Taking something raw and turning it into gold!

The inevitable happened in the last 2 years, CHANGE. The one thing in life that is truly consistent. I came to a threshold, a realm much like being in a Liminal space.

Often, when I reach that space, I connect with the creative source~

And so LiminaL Leather came about.

Liminal - Relating to the transitional or initial stage of process.

Occupying a position at, or on both sides of a boundary or threshold.

Liminal is a space between one destination and the next.

Our reaction to that space is reflective of our dependency on functional design.

Viewing a space within an accepted context is what we as humans innately look for, however, outside of that, in a Liminal space, we often run away from it because it lacks context and purpose.

Liminal spaces are often those uncomfortable, atmospheric and sometimes eerie places to be, that look like gateways into other realms.

Imagine a cave, the only source of light is the fire that is reflecting and dancing on the walls, allowing you to see only so far.

You are there in that moment between the dark and dancing fire light.

This to me, is the creative space where you see one realm and another all at once.

And it is in this space the source of creation whispers.... echoing on the cave walls

More to come~~~

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